The following "Premium metrics" can be displayed in contentbird, currently no other tools can be connected:
SISTRIX Visibility Index Domain
SISTRIX Host-Pop Domain (Link Module required)
SISTRIX IP-Pop Domain (Link Module required)
SISTRIX Class-C-Pop Domain (Link Module required)
MozRank URL
Moz Page Authority URL
Moz Domain Authority domain
MozRank Domain (Paid Access required)
MozTrust Domain (Paid Access required)
Majestic ACRank URL
Majestic InLinks URL
Majestic Domain-Pop URL
Majestic IP-Pop URL
Majestic Class-C-Pop URL
Majestic ACRank Domain
Majestic InLinks Domain
Majestic Domain-Pop Domain
Majestic IP-Pop Domain
Majestic Class-C-Pop Domain
Here they can be acitvated:
Setup > Settings > Metrics> Premium Metrics
Here they are displayed:
Analysis > Links (when activated, the corresponding column will appear in the linkoverview, if not click on the cog)
Analysis > Expert Analysis > Linkprofile
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